

  • 135° point angle with chamfering adjustment - enables quick drilling, while saving time during marking out
  • The drill bits are fully ground, which guarantees high accuracy and rectilinearity of holes. They are particularly useful for drilling with drill bushes
  • Extra long ground drills are used for drilling in steel, non-ferrous metals and plastics
  • Material - the highest quality refined HSS
  • Packed and sold in a case of 1 pcs

Index Ø (mm) Working part lenght (mm) Total lenght (mm)
77620 2 110 160
77625 2.5 120 180
77630 3 130 190
77635 3.5 145 210
77640 4 150 220
77642 4.2 150 220
77645 4.5 160 235
77650 5 170 245
77655 5.5 180 260
77660 6 180 260
77665 6.5 190 275
77670 7 200 290
77675 7.5 200 290
77680 8 210 305
77685 8.5 210 305
77690 9 220 320
77695 9.5 220 320
77700 10 235 340
77705 10.5 235 340
77710 11 250 365
77715 11.5 250 365
77720 12 260 375
77725 12.5 260 375
77730 13 260 375


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