

  • Bi-metal hole saw with teeth made of HSS M42 high-speed tool steel with 8% cobalt, body made of alloy spring steel
  • The bimetallic structure ensures high resistance of the load-bearing part to cracking, and the M42 high-speed steel teeth ensure much higher hardness and wear resistance compared to ordinary HSS steel
  • Designed for processing metals, in particular stainless steel, steel, aluminum as well as non-ferrous metals, plastics and wood
  • Adjusted to mounting an adapter for hexagonal or SDS-plus socket
  • Needs adapter and centering drill
  • Steel drilling should be made when wet
  • The alternating number of teeth 4/6TPI allows drilling in materials of different hardness
  • The hole saw has holes on its side surfaces to facilitate easier removal of the disc remaining after drilling
  • Drilling depth 38 mm
  • Packed on a hanger

Index Diameter (mm) Operating speed in mild steel (rpm) Operating speed in stainless steel (rpm) Operating speed in cast iron (rpm) Operating speed in brass (rpm) Operating speed in aluminum (rpm) Operating speed in wood (rpm)
27314 14 580 300 400 790 900 800
27316 16 550 275 365 730 825 760
27319 19 460 230 300 600 690 680
27320 20 445 220 290 580 660 640
27322 22 390 195 260 520 585 560
27324 24 370 185 245 495 555 520
27325 25 350 175 235 470 525 500
27327 27 325 160 215 435 480 500
27329 29 300 150 200 400 450 450
27330 30 285 145 190 380 425 430
27332 32 275 140 180 360 410 410
27335 35 250 125 165 330 375 370
27338 38 230 115 150 300 345 330
27340 40 220 110 145 290 330 310
27344 44 195 95 130 260 295 250
27346 46 190 95 125 250 285 230
27348 48 180 90 120 240 270 210
27351 51 170 85 115 230 255 200
27354 54 160 80 105 210 240 190
27357 57 150 75 100 200 225 185
27360 60 140 70 95 190 220 180
27364 64 135 65 90 180 205 180
27367 67 130 65 85 170 195 170
27368 68 130 65 85 165 190 165
27370 70 125 60 80 160 185 160
27373 73 120 60 80 160 180 155
27383 83 105 50 70 140 155 140
27392 92 95 45 60 120 140 125
27395 95 90 45 60 120 135 120
27402 102 85 40 55 110 130 100
27405 105 80 40 55 110 120 100
27421 121 70 35 45 90 95 85
27427 127 65 30 40 85 90 85
27440 140 60 30 35 80 85 80
27446 146 60 30 35 80 90 80
27452 152 55 25 35 75 85 75
27460 160 55 25 35 75 80 70
27465 165 50 25 35 70 75 65
27468 168 50 25 35 70 75 65
27478 178 45 20 30 65 70 60
27480 200 40 20 25 60 65 55
27481 210 40 20 25 60 65 55

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