How do I choose my spray gun?

The spray gun should be selected so that it is possible to work efficiently with the compressor-tank combination you have. Smaller tanks in combination with powerful compressors make it possible to use a high-pressure gun, whereas a very capacious tank is required to operate an HVLP gun.



HP (high pressure) spray gun - the oldest pressure coating technology available. A small amount of paint is sprayed through a small opening under high pressure, known as a broom. HP guns have a high atomisation of the paint medium, which results in significant paint consumption.

HVLP (low pressure) spray gun - has more holes in the nozzle than HP, so the pressure drops but the amount of paint emitted onto the object increases. Advantages of the HVLP gun include saving paint, but such a spray gun needs a more powerful compressor.

LVLP (low pressure low consumption) spray gun - a type of spray gun which combines the advantages of HP and HVLP spray guns, i.e. they operate at low pressure, with low compressed air consumption and guarantee low paint loss. The LVLP spray gun is a state-of-the-art tool for the painter.



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